DomainTest API
This API allows you to test whether a domain/URL is already in the system. It will return whether it is in the Bolster system and the disposition.
For example, some Bolster customers have service desks where they interface with their customers. Those customers may submit a malicious URL they have found. The action would be to submit that to Bolster for takedown. However, there is a chance the URL is already in the system. That is why this API call can be used to check if this Domain/URL has already been detected and therefore does not need to be scanned. Or rescanned as the case maybe.
Step 1: Locate your API key
Before making Domain Test requests through the API, you will need to have your Bolster API key. Here is how you can find it:
- Click on the user dropdown located in the top-right corner of the page.
- Select “Profile Information” from the dropdown menu.
- Copy the API key displayed on your profile screen.
Step 2: Domain Test request through API
To call the Domain Test request API, you need to provide the following information:
API Host:
Your Bolster API Key:
Your Domain Test request should be in the following format:
curl --location \
--request GET \
'' \
--data-urlencode 'apiKey=3fx0jshimge3r7zd1c30v0l8frbmj9h28q0dsvm0aln3bacv9r9ntc44z4h39cx7' \
--data-urlencode ''
Request Query:
- apiKey (required): Your user API key.
- URL(required): The URL that you would like to test
Upon a successful request, you will receive a response like the following with Status code: 200.
If the URL does not exist in our system:
Disposition if the URL does exist:
In case of an unsuccessful request, the following status codes and messages may be received:
- Status code: 500. Message: Invalid API key or API key not enabled.
If you encounter any issues or have questions about using the DomainTest API, please reach out to our support team at [email protected].