Using Social Media Search Terms
Use Social Media search terms to define the Social Media findings of interest.
A search term consists of:
- Platforms (optional): social media platforms to include.
- Category (optional): specific types of posts to include.
- Value (required): the text to search for.
To find:
- Crypto scams
- only in Facebook posts
- containing the name Bolster
Enter this:
Platform: Facebook posts
Category: Crypto scams
Value: Bolster
Available Categories
- Adult
- Cheats & Piracy
- Counterfeit Goods
- Crypto Scams
- Currency Scams
- Data Leakage
- Executive Impersonations
- Fake Advertisements
- Gift Card Scams
- Hacked Accounts
- Phishing
- Tech Support Scams
- Toxicity
- Trademark Infringement
Value Guidelines
- Enter one or more keywords.
- To find keywords together in order, enclose them in double quotes: “Jim Smith”
- To find documents containing both keywords, separate keywords with AND: drugs AND crime.
- To find documents containing either keyword, separate keywords with OR: drugs OR crime.
- Use parentheses if necessary to create a list of options: Bolster AND (hack OR ddos OR 0day).
- AND and OR must be in all caps.